Welcome to my Portfolio. Here I share my writing samples on Software documentation, technical blog posts, User guides, and API documentation.
Blog posts
I have a collection of Blogs from several websites. This is one from the Make Use Of (MUO) website. It’s a knowledge-based article about Docker best practises for developers.
You can see my others articles on the MUO platform.
I also have a personal blog on Hashnode @Nyartech. Check it out.
This is a How-to-guide on how to use Git Actions in DevOps processes to manage modern, cloud-native applications requiring fast and frequent updates.
This was a personal project, a step-to-step guide on building, testing, and deploying merged pull requests to production with GitHub Actions.
User guide
A user guide I wrote for Earlyaccesshq.com. It makes it easier for users to optimize the product’s advanced features to create a wailist tailored for business and marketing campaigns.
The waitlist feature has enhanced customization options, settings, and payment integrations, fostering a branded and personalized marketing experience.
Doc Analysis
This project was part of the Linux Foundation mentorship program from June-August 2024.It included analyzing The Update Framework (TUF) documentation and providing improvement according to the CNCF standards.
I worked with several mentors from CNCF and TUF to provide improvement to the current website which included creating a new website. See the proposed version here.
A tutorial on the SemaText glossary page for Kubernetes beginners.
The tutorial introduces the concept of Quality of service (QoS)classes and shows the learner how to correctly configure the QoS classes in a pod for resource management.
This is one of the projects I worked on together with the platform enginners and documentation team to create several tutorials on Kubernetes tools and features.
My first open-source project contribution was at the AsyncAPI.I collaborated with the community to transcribe video content to create contribution guidelines for new users.
An example is this one of How to become a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) member at AsyncAPI.
WTD community member
I am a member of the Write the Docs (WTD) community in Kenya and the USA one. I regularly engage with the community,post job and training opportunities as well as benefit from the opportunities shared.
I contributed this Open-source guide to the Kenya WTD on their Hashnode blog.
API Documentation
A personal API Documentation project where I covered TMDB movies API’s Docs. I am currently learning API documentation and with time I will add other notable projects with other API documentation platforms like Swagger, README and Redocly.